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Inquiry about BGA3100 Hot Air Repair Station/ SMT automatic hot air BGA repair system  [India]

Update Time: 2011-03-24
Valid to: Never Expired
Detailed Description: Dear Sir We are pleased to introduce to ourselves as a team of engineers who are having experience in sales and service of imported equipments in India. We are interested in having your sales agency in India. Please let us know if you are open so that we can discuss further in this matter. We are sending you our company profile. Name of The Company : Blue Bird Group Address of the Establishment: # 700 Sector-12 Panchkula-134112-India Representatives : Bangalore -Chennai - Hyderabad Total Sales & Service Team : 6+2 Year of Establishment : 1980 Total Turnover : 1.87 million US $. We would like to inform you that we are the team who introduced Associated Environmental Systems -USA, BEMCO -USA and ACS- Italy in India and sold and serviced their chambers to most of the big companies -space- electronic -electrical and defence companies We started in the year 1980. The undersigned personally has taken training at AES plant in USA. Besides we sold and serviced Wave soldering machines from Hollis-USA , Kirsten Kabeltechnik-Switzerland and related equipments like lead cutting and forming mchines.PCB cleaning systems etc.Our engineers have taken training for these at manufacturers plant. We introduced and sold and services dispensers -fume extractors- PCB ultrasonic cleaning systems etc. We can definitely assure you to trust our capability of handling with utmost care -SALE and SERVICE for your products in India. with your full cooperation. We shall be handling Environmental testing Chamber-Wave Soldering Machines-Lead Cutting Bending Machines-Fume Extractors -PCB cleaning systems and related products in India.Active/Passive ,RF/EMI componenets for our customers-Defence/Aerospace/Eelectronics/Telecommunications/Electrical/Wireless manufacturers. We assure you of our best service and full cooperation at all times and looking forward for your response. Best Regards Raokesh Aggarwal Blue Bird Group # 700 sector-12 Panchkula-134112 India Ph: 91-172-2587006 Mob.91-9041571234 MAIL: AGGRAK AT RATE GMAIL.COM
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